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Race + Porn, Sex Work, Parenting as a Sexuality Professional & More w/ Jet Setting Jasmine and Friends!
Title: Race + Porn, Sex Work, Parenting as a Sexuality Professional & More w/ Jet
Setting Jasmine and Friends!
Date: March 4-5, 2023
Location: Online
Core Knowledge Area(s):
Presenter: N. Jasmine Johnson, King Noire, Jessica Nater, Nicole Crawford, Tiana North, Robin Johnson, June Cabales, Mani Bleechington, Star Bleechington
Sponsor: Sexual Health Alliance (SHA)
Contact: Alex Paro/ SHA Team
TEL: (512) 766-7603
AASECT approved for: 16 CEs
(AASECT CE Credits 60 minutes = 1 CE Credit
Event Knowledge Areas Covered:
- Cyber sexuality and social media
- Developmental Sexuality
- Diversities in sexual expression and lifestyles
- Ethics and Ethical Behavior
- Health/medical factors that influence sexuality
- History of the discipline of sex research
- Intimacy Skills
- Issues related to Sexual Orientation and/or Gender Identity
- Range of sexuality functioning and behavior
- Socio-cultural and familial factors