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Range of sexuality functioning and behavior
Fantasy and Desire Around the World
Title: Fantasy and Desire Around the World
Date: March 23rd and 24th, 2024
Location: Online
Core Knowledge Area(s):
Presenter: Dr. Justin Lehmiller and Guest Presenters
Sponsor: Sexual Health Alliance (SHA)
Contact: Michelle Melville-Kashon / SHA Team
Tel: (512) 766-7603
Sex Therapy Certificate at CIIS
Title: Sex Therapy Certificate at CIIS
Date: Spring 2024 term runs from February 23rd – May 4th, 2024; Applications are currently
open and due January 10th, 2024
Location: Synchronous hours online via Zoom and asynchronous hours online
Core Knowledge Area(s): 165 hours of content meeting all CKA requirements
Presenter: Zoe Sipe, Walt Sipe, Juan Camarena, Damon Constantinides, Fiona O’Farrell, Bianca Laureano & Estefania Simich
Contact: Kyle De Medio
Tel: 415-575-6175
Hypertension and Sexual Dysfunction in African Americans
Title: Hypertension and Sexual Dysfunction in African Americans
Date: 6-Mar-24
Location: Online, with both synchronous and asynchronous options
Core Knowledge Area(s):
H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality, including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth & pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices.*,
The Function of the Pelvic Floor in Sexual Health
Clinical Applications of Sexual Health Aids
Introduction to Working with Minor Attracted Persons
Treating Sexual Dysfunction With Fun and Accessible Solutions
Title of Workshop: Treating Sexual Dysfunction With Fun and Accessible Solutions
Date: October 13, 2023, 12 pm MDT - 3:00 pm MDT
Location: Online Synchronous – registration needed to view on-demand recording