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What is "Appropriate"?

Organization: Sex Ed Lecture Series
Title of Event: What is "Appropriate"?
Date: 4/1/2024 - 12/31/2024
Location: Online Asynchronous
Presenter/Speaker: Richelle Frabotta, MSEd, CSE, CSES
Description of Event: Recognizing that the sex/ual/ity of people with developmental disabilities has historically been overlooked, infantilized, or located in extremes from asexual or promiscuous and victim or perpetrator and it is time to change these minimizing, limited, and short-sighted perceptions.
By the end of this lecture, participants will be able to describe some proactive and progressive approaches to providing sex/ual/ity education services to people with developmental disabilities and those who provide supports.
Contact Name: Bill Taverner
Contact Email:
CE Credit: 1