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Navigating Sex and Intimacy with Chronic Illness

Title of Workshop: Navigating Sex and Intimacy with Chronic Illness

Date: January 31, 2024

Location: Online, with both synchronous and asynchronous options

Core Knowledge Area(s):

E. Intimacy skills (e.g., social, emotional, sexual), intimate relationships, interpersonal relationships and family dynamics.

H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality, including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth & pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex

I. Range of sexual functioning and behavior, from optimal to problematic, including, but not limited to, common issues such as: desire discrepancy, lack of desire, difficulty achieving or maintaining arousal, sexual pain, penetration problems and difficulty with orgasm.

Presenter: Sarah Dahlston, MS, CHES, CSE

Sponsor: Sex Ed Lecture Series

Contact Name: Bill Taverner

Telephone: 484.288.9896



AASECT approved for: 1.0 CE

(AASECT CE Credits 60 minutes = 1 CE Credit)