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Socio-cultural and familial factors

Build-A-Skill Designing A Skills Based Family Communication Workshop

Title of Event: Build-A-Skill - Designing A Skills Based Family Communication Workshop
Description of Event: This lecture introduces best practices for designing an objective-driven, skills-based workshop for families to enhance their ability to talk with kids about sexuality. We go beyond the powerpoints that are often the focus of parent presentations and instead emphasize a set of skills that increases parents' comfort and confidence.  

Lessons from the Netflix Series 'Sex Education'

Title of Event: Lessons from  the Netflix Series 'Sex Education'
Description of Event:
How does the Netflix series 'Sex Education' attend to young people's critique of school-based sexuality education? This lecture will explore what and how educative content is offered to young people about sex, sexuality and gender in the first 3 seasons. It is argued the series successfully addresses many critiques young people make of conventional school-based sexuality education. 

Slang, Sex, and Safety: Exploring Post-Secondary Campus Culture

Title of Event: Slang, Sex, and Safety: Exploring Post-Secondary Campus Culture
Description of Event:
This lecture will explore how slang, sexuality, and safety intersect in the lives of post-secondary university students from diverse sexual, gender, and racialized identities. Critical feminist theories are employed to interpret how these young people assign meaning to and resist aspects of campus culture, namely bro culture and institutional betrayal. 


Title of Workshop: NCSEXCON Goes West
Date: March 15-16, 2024
Location: Asheville, North Carolina
Colloquium: A meeting at which specialists deliver addresses on a topic and then answer questions. Pronounced like... kuh-lo-kwe-um
Our first NCSexCon event of 2024 is our Colloquium in the Mountains - an intimate, one-day deep dive into five different topics, all relating to sexuality in their own way.
