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Come Together: An Interview with Emily Nagoski

Title of Event: Come Together: An Interview with Emily Nagoski
Description of Event:
This is a live-streaming course and will be recorded. 
Because this course will be recorded, cameras may be kept off for the duration of the course. Students may protect their identity by renaming themselves as anonymous. 
Closed Captioning is available.
Presenter: Dr. Emily Nagoski
Interviewer: Dr. Rosalyn Dischiavo, MA, CSE/S
Bestselling author Dr. Emily Nagoski, known for her groundbreaking book “Come As You Are”, has published a new book about keeping love and sex alive in long-term relationships. Come Together is the result of Dr. Nagoski’s research, personal experiences, and professional experiences as a sexuality educator, university professor and Director of Wellness Education at Smith College. 
This webinar is an interview between Emily and Dr. Rosalyn Dischiavo, Founder of Institute for Sex Education & Enlightenment and former President of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists. 
Join us for this thoughtful discussion of one of the thorniest issues that we face in our lifetimes: how to keep our love thriving.
Date of Event: 05/13/2025
Time of Event: 12:00-1:00 PM ET
Location: Online Synchronous
Presenter/Speaker: Dr. Emily Nagoski
Contact Name: Rosalyn Dischiavo
AASECT Approved CEs: 1

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