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Pleasure: Everything You Need to Know

Title: Pleasure: Everything You Need to Know

Description of Event:
This course will be an exploration of pleasure as a physical, emotional, sexual, socio-cultural, spiritual and political framework. It will delve into pleasure skills that our culture has denied us access to or that we may not have had the opportunity to explore for ourselves. We will deconstruct various mythos and false binaries surrounding sexual pleasure (ie: pleasure / pain and giving / receiving), explore factors both that create barriers to pleasure and that enhance pleasure, and discover various ways in which pleasure can be a catalyst to individual, interpersonal and collective healing.

This course will not be covering physiological pleasure and response, nor will it delve very deeply into how orgasm works. Instead, we will discuss and unpack the characteristics of pleasure and work to develop the skills for creating a definition of pleasure for ourselves and for helping our clients/students/etc. to do the same.

This course is meant to be inclusive and so topics will be discussed using gender inclusive language and collective accessibility will be addressed and discussed throughout.

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss some ways in which our culture polices and politicizes pleasure.
  • Identify and discuss at least (2) myths / false binaries that exist in our culture related to sexual pleasure.
  • Discuss the connection between pleasure and healing on personal, relational and collective levels.
  • Identify at least (2) physical, socio-cultural, spiritual and emotional barriers to pleasure.
  • Identify at least (3) different types of play and how those types of play can be seen and used for sexual pleasure.
  • Create a working definition of pleasure for themselves and be able to conceptualize at least (2) ways to assist clients in their exploration of pleasure.

Sex Therapy (ST) Training:
ST1. Theory and methods of sex-related psychotherapy, including several different models.

Date: Sunday, September 8

Time: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM ET, BREAK: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET, 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM ET.

Live Streaming Webinar

Presenter: Catasha Gordon, CHSE


Contact: ISEE Staff

Phone: 860.384.0446



CE Credits: 6

Event Knowledge Areas Covered: