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Hypertension and Sexual Dysfunction in African Americans

Title of Workshop: Hypertension and Sexual Dysfunction in African Americans

Date: March 6, 2024

Location: Online, with both synchronous and asynchronous options

Core Knowledge Area(s):

H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality, including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth & pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices.*

I. Range of sexual functioning and behavior, from optimal to problematic, including, but not limited to, common issues such as: desire discrepancy, lack of desire, difficulty achieving or maintaining arousal, sexual pain, penetration problems and difficulty with orgasm.*

Presenter: Catasha Gordon, CHSE

Sponsor: Sex Ed Lecture Series

Contact Name: Bill Taverner

Telephone: 484.288.9896



AASECT approved for: 1.0 CE

(AASECT CE Credits 60 minutes = 1 CE Credit)