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Engaging Youth as Co-Creators of a Culture of Consent
Title: Engaging Youth as Co-Creators of a Culture of Consent
Date: 1-Nov-23
Location: Online, with both synchronous and asynchronous options
Core Knowledge Area(s):
C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values), in relation to sexual values and behaviors.
J. Sexual exploitation, including sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault.
O. Knowledge of professional communication skills used with clients, students and colleagues.
Presenter 1: Chelsea Hackett
Presenter 2: Ellory Boyd
Sponsor: Sex Ed Lecture Series
Contact : Bill Taverner, MA, CSE
Tel: 484.288.9896
AASECT approved for: 1 CE
(AASECT CE Credits 60 minutes = 1 CE Credit)
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