You may have noticed a dearth of book reviews in Contemporary Sexuality over the past few months. This is because our Book Review Coordinator has moved on. AASECT's Senior Writer and Editor Steph Auteri will now be coordinating reviews. If you would like to nominate a book for review, please contact her at
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AASECT Seeking Out Regular Book Reviewers for Contemporary Sexuality
Surviving and Thriving in Stepfamily Relationships: A Review
Who would have thought that this paperback on stepfamilies could cover everything you want to know (and more) about stepfamily research, clinical complexities, and therapeutic guidance for a multitude of professionals? Patricia L. Papernow had done it! It comes with plenty of case examples to enhance family relationships at all levels. I view this brilliant work and its well-organized hierarchical structure as an excellent resource; I will grab it frequently from my bookshelf for clinical, research, and personal use.
Women, Sex, Power, And Pleasure: A Review
Evelyn Resh provides an in-depth look at the psychological and physical issues that occur naturally in a woman's life as she ages. She identifies six markers of emotional well-being: self-confidence, health-seeking behaviors, spiritual satisfaction, creativity, resilience, and compassion. The author states these elements are important for a woman to fully express herself. Resh then helpfully guides the reader through how to have to a more fulfilling experience.
Love, Intimacy, and the African American Couple: A Review
As a female who identifies as biracial and African American, I found this book to be a critical read for any clinician working with, or desiring to, treat African American couples. The book is reader-friendly for therapists at all levels of training with its coherent language, organized chapters, and smooth flow. Unlike other texts, I found that I was able to flip to any chapter that piqued my interest and not feel lost. Each chapter begins with an overview and explains everything from pertinent African American history to the strengths and weaknesses of African American relationships without feeling redundant.
Expanding the Practice of Sex Therapy: A Review
Gina Ogden takes therapists on a journey into the development and use of the ISIS model in her latest book, Expanding the Practice of Sex Therapy. This integrative and easy-to-read book offers a whole new perspective on working with clients in sex therapy. Ogden offers new alternatives to therapists utilizing a model that is focused on helping clients find empowerment and a path to self-discovery.