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AASECT Certified Sex Therapist Supervisor

AASECT Certified Sex Therapist Supervisors are licensed mental health professionals with psychotherapy training who have been AASECT Certified Sex Therapists for a minimum of at least two (2) years. AASECT Sex Therapist Supervisors provide training and supervision to individuals seeking AASECT Sex Therapist Certification. This supervision and training only applies to the AASECT Certification process. Note: In January 2023, the required length of time as a Certified Sex Therapist was reduced from three (3) years to two (2) years.

Requirements - Sex Therapist Supervisor Certification Requirements

New! - Online Application Submission - Sex Therapist Supervisor Certification Application (February 2024)

For the PDF printable application or older versions of the Jotform application, please contact

Renewal Requirements - Certification Renewal Policies and Criteria

New! - Online Renewal Application Submission - Certification Renewal Application (May 2024)

PDF Printable Renewal Application - Sex Therapist Supervisor Certification Renewal Application

Learn more about the new Jotform approval process for Supervisors in this video!