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Professional Standard of Excellence Award
Professional Standard of Excellence Award
This award is presented to a member or non-member of AASECT who has worked extensively to represent or advance the field of human sexuality through activities including, but not limited to, clinical programs or other original clinical contributions; the development and implementation of sexuality education curriculum; scientific research; and art, print, radio, television or internet media contributions. The recipient of this Award will be an individual who is recognized by his/her peers as a competent and accomplished colleague, an expert in his/her field, and an exemplary bearer of the standards of professional and personal ethics as well as the standard of excellence in achievement
2014 - Paul Joannides
2013 - Gina Ogden
2012 - Michael A. Perelman
2011 - Sandra S. Cole
2010 - Mark Schoen
2009 - Carey Roth Bayer
2008 - Michael A. Carrera
2007 - Laird Sutton
2006 - William Stayton
2005 - Douglas Kirby
2004 - Beverly Whipple