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The Exceptional Educator: Theory & Methods of Holistic Sex Education
Title: The Exceptional Educator: Theory & Methods of Holistic Sex Education
Dates: Friday - Sunday, October 3 - 5 (3-day)
Location: Live Streaming Webinar
Presenter: Dr. Rosalyn Dischiavo, MA, CSES
Sponsor: ISEE
Contact: ISEE Staff
Phone #: 860.384.0450
AASECT CE Credits: 18
This course will deeply explore sexual rights as human rights, and what that means for the practitioner as well as the student. We will look at the components of sex education, reasons for sex education, how sex education can or should look different for various audiences, and how a holistic view can be used to create a sex education program, exercise, class, or activity. Whether you work with children or adults, the disabled, within the LGBT world, or with a specific ethnic population, you will find useful material for your work, and ideas you will be thinking about for a long time.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the lack of sex education theory.
- Recognize the need for new theories of sex education.
- Describe at least 3 characteristics of a sexually healthy adult.
- Define comprehensive sex education.
- Analyze at least 2 existing models of sex education.
- Practice activities that help to develop ideas about sex education.
- Practice a verbal needs assessment.
- Create a working agreement in a class setting.
- Lead a sex-ed relevant discussion in small or large groups.
- Create an experiential exercise for a group or class (boundaries, trust, etc.)
- Identify the unique needs of exercises involving touch.
- Identify ways to create safety in the classroom atmosphere.
- Analyze a workshop or class for a graduated risk.
- Name at least 3 ways to deal with difficult challenges while training or teaching.
- Practice problem-solving skills in at least one area of challenge.
- Identify the stages of group development.
- Identify at least 2 specific populations that may need varying approaches.
- Educational skills that may be helpful or necessary for particular populations.
- Analyze feedback from other participants regarding their personal training style.
- Identify skills for self-care while training.
- Identify 3 educational practices shown by research to be effective in creating change.
- Discuss and brainstorm ways to implement these methods.